What’s Causing Your Wrinkles, and How Do You Treat Them?
It’s normal to get wrinkles and fine lines as you age, but that doesn’t mean that you have to deal with them as soon as you turn 25. If that’s the case, you are doing something wrong with your daily skincare routine and lifestyle choices. So much so that the effects have started showing on your face in the form of premature aging. Quick question: What’s the primary reason for premature aging? To check your answer, scroll to the end of the article. Onto the topic of wrinkles and what causes them in the first place. Let’s hear the answer we got from the dermatologist at the Cosmetic Injectables Clinic.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The same is the case with our daily habits. If you exercise, you’ll build muscles, and if you read, you'll enhance your knowledge. Whatever you do in your daily life has an equal and opposite reaction in your life. You can either build your life or ruin it; it’s all in your hands. Let’s look into some of the habits that are known causes of wrinkles, according to to a dermatologist at Cosmetic Injectables in Brisbane:
Too much sun exposure
Too much UV is harmful to our skin not because it burns or tans it but because it damages your cells at the genetic level by damaging the DNA, the core unit of life itself. Thus, damaged DNA is then repaired by our brain, but with time and continuous damage, the efficiency of this process decreases, resulting in aging and problems like skin cancer.
It’s a no-brainer that smoking damages our lungs, but if you think that’s the end of it, then you are far from the truth. That’s because smoking is also known to increase facial lines around the mouth, also known as smoker’s lines.
Diet and exercise
It is said that a smoker will outlive a healthy person if they exercise and the healthy person doesn’t. And that’s your cue to get up and start exercising with a proper, healthy diet. A nutrient-dense diet is the key, as it helps to redo and repair the damage done to your skin by external methods.
How do I treat wrinkles?
If you are looking for effective ways to treat your wrinkles, then giving Forehead Anti-Wrinkle Injections a try can be a great way. These injections are harmless and help minimize and reduce the appearance of wrinkles with instant results.
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